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About Broadstairs & St. Peters Chamber of Commerce

Broadstairs and St. Peter's Chamber of Commerce which was established just after the turn of the last century, represents the business community within the town of Broadstairs and the village of St. Peter's.

Many of our members are in the retail sector, but also represented are financial and legal institutions as well as service and technology industries.

Through the introduction of modern technology the Chamber has been able to evolve and offer various services to its members.  This includes instant access to the Chamber management for advice through the Chamber email, dedicated telephone with message facility, and its website. Through these modern mediums we are able to keep our membership fully informed about matters that may have an impact on their business, and to keep them up to date with items specifically linked to the town.

Members are provided with a membership sticker to display, so that the pubic are aware they are a member of a long established business organisation.

The Chamber meets on a quarterly and at these meetings members are invited to contribute to debate and bring items to the table for discussion.

We offer to our members, the facility to have their business listed on our website along with a link to their website.  For members who do not have a website, we offer the facility to have this set up on very favourable terms through our website designer, Broadbiz Web Services Ltd.


President Malcolm Cox Malcolm's Hairstylists
Secretary Janet Thomas  
Committee Horace Academy FM
  Karen Hodder Cintra 
  Neil Parton Ebenezer's Place
  Lucy Woodcock Broadstairs Chiropractic Clinic
  Simon Abra Isle Magazine
  Becci Hawkins Sharp Printing
  Simon Hawkins Sharp Printing

In the Community

The Chamber is pro-active in supporting the community of Broadstairs and St. Peter's.

Each year the town is decorated with hanging baskets and tubs, which is administered by the Town Council.  The Chamber sponsors two flower tubs which are situated outside the Library and opposite the Copy Shop at St. Peter's 

Flower Tub at St. Peter's

We also sponsor the Planter at Chandos Square.

On Remembrance Sunday, the Chamber is represented at the service held at the War Memorial, Pierremont, and a wreath is laid on behalf of the membership.

Our members display posters in their windows for events run by local organisations, and for the fundraising events for the Mayor's charities.

We also encourage our members to support local events.  Members can regularly be seen at fundraising Quiz nights and as volunteers at town events.

Our Achievements

In the last three decades the Broadstairs & St. Peter's Chamber of Commerce has been instrumental in the following:

  • Raising funds for the installation of CCTV in the town ensuring a safe environment for locals and visitors.
  • Instrumental in starting the hanging basket scheme.
  • Contributing to funding towards the Decorative lighting and campaigning for further enhancement.
  • Organising and running the Xmas Fayre and Lights Switch-On event.
  • Negotiating with the District Council in an attempt to keep car parking fees to a reasonable level.
  • Monitoring the effects on Broadstairs of Westwood area retail development.
  • In 1994 and 2004 the Water Gala was saved by the Chamber instigating a rescue committee to run the event.  Members also supported the very successful 2000 Gala with the return of the Red Arrows after an 18 year absence.
  • Supporting the Town's events with financial assistance.
  • Consultation on the traffic calming measures in the lower High Street, Victoria Parade and Albion Street.
  • Running Valentines, Easter, Food Festival, Halloween and Xmas Window competitions.
  • Establishing the Easter Trail.
  • Establishing the annual Halloween Trick or Treat trail.
  • Promoting the town at Christmas to encourage shopping in the town.
  • The Chamber is represented on the Town Forum, BTLA,  Neighbourhood Engagement meetings and various other town groups
  • Negotiating with Kent Highways to ensure major roadworks in the town are avoided at peak times and traffic management is fully discussed with it's members.
  • Monitoring the location of brown tourist signs.
  • Keeping members informed on changes to legislation which affect the public and traders.
  • Formation of the very successful Millennium Committee which through various schemes celebrated the year 2000 with several projects.
  • Establishing the popular November 5th Fireworks Night as a local family entertainment night.
  • Supporting the introduction of local radio in Thanet.
  • Working with sister Town Partnerships and traders groups.
  • Supporting local education establishments.

Our History

Mystery surrounds the date the Broadstairs & St. Peter's Chamber of Commerce was originally formed. Old year books indicate it was sometime in 1900. However according to the Broadstairs & St. Peter's Mail, it came into being on 4th December 1903.

Chambers of Commerce are the direct descendants of the merchant guilds of medieval times and earlier from the forum associations of Roman cities.

The movement has spread throughout the world as an effective medium of communication between business people and the government, and for the assurance of integrity in local and international business transactions.

At one time the Chamber produced an annual Year Book, which was given to all members. This listed the Officers, Committee a complete membership list, and adverts for local businesses - presumably the cost of printing was covered by these ads.

The 1963-1964 Year Book shows a committee of 21, as well as 6 Officers, and a membership list totalling 263!  An advertisement for the China Shop, in the High Street (long since gone) encourages us to buy a Poole Twintone Dinner set for us £11.6s.6d!

Although many of the 263 members no longer trade in the town, there are a handful of names that still feature today.

The Chamber of Commerce has moved with the times and today the organisation is much smaller, run by a small management team, communicates with its members via modern technology, but it still the voice of the business community in the town.

Our Future

The future of the Chamber and its work includes the following:

  • To ensure the long term future of the shopping experience in Broadstairs and the village of St Peter's whilst embracing modern advances.
  • To continue the excellent track record established by the Chamber of Commerce over its 120 year existence.
  • Serve its community in a personal and caring manner.
  • Provide value for money to it's members in its activities.
  • To establish an ongoing sustainable transport management strategy with local government.
  • Provide an increasing awareness to "Green" issues and encourage its members and customers to adopt a sustainable future.
  • Encourage both it's members to use local suppliers and its customers to shop local and highlight the benefits of this practice to the entire local community.
  • Continue representation at all levels with local Government and other committees within Broadstairs and St Peter's.
  • To support it's members with advances in e commerce and legislation that has a direct effect on the small business person.
  • Run promotional campaigns to increase footfall.
  • Encourage tourism and identify new possible opportunities.
  • support quality of life and environmental policies.